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HBC Nightmare

Monday, 27 May 2013
Published in Latest News

As part of a new expanded coverage of EVE from an AUTZ perspective, we bring you an interesting kill from  Chiimera and his mates in Razor Alliance.


So the story goes, this kill involved Chiimera and his black ops mates waiting patiently for any poor unsuspecting target to show up on their scans.


You might imagine their surprise when they saw a Nightmare battleship and Chiimera could not believe his luck when he manged to tackle the Nightmare on a gate. 


After managing to break the tackle and jump through the gate, the Nightmare pilot could have been forgiven for thinking he had got away. Unfortunately for him, Chiimera also had a Proteus burning toward the original tackled system and met the Nightmare as he jumped through. The Proteus managed to lock up the Nightmare until the others could count down their aggression timers and jump though and effect the kill.


At the same time, the Nightmare pilot had called for backup, but yet again fortune was not smiling on the Nightmare pilot and his Thanatos mate turned up a little too late.


Chiimera and friends now started thinking they may be able to effect a Carrier kill, but alas, they lacked the required DPS, so warped off, content with a 3.2billion ISK on their killboard.


From all reports, the kill-fest in Delve continues, with virtually everyone from Null Sec getting in on the action.


If you have a really interesting story of a fight involving Australians, we would love to here from you and publish your story. 


Please contact me either in game (nGR RDNx) or via email rdnx at netgameradio dot com.

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